well , yesterday was very cool .
my phone wake me up as my adek's friend sent msgs and it bring me out from my dream . duhh
.she spelled sms ths way MSM . haha , and i said ape masam dye tulis ni ?
i cooked the ketupat weh . btol btol btol . delicious lah . but the sarong my mom yg anyam . my mom cooked kuzi ayam that that truly spicy n of coz sedap . yum yum .
then siap siap . masjid here we come . we went with my neighbour , nenek han . there were a lot lot of people including pakwe faezza , banglaa n indonesian . huhu .
b4 blik kg , we drop by at our neighbour openhouse , but it is not really a house as it was a restraunt which located nxt to masjid . n afta that we straight away to my nenek's house in bangi lama . i met the little haziQ there . adorable kid yaw . MINNANA . haha , it means RIBENA . well , there i ate again , full already act , but i saw my favorite sambal goreng . wah , pantang bersuo .
afta a while , we went to my another nenek's house which also located in bangi lama but diff kg .
i met cousins , aunties , uncles . what we do ? CHAT n EAT again . haha . my cousin and he is a boy cooked spaghetti which i idam since last week . thnxx ayol . HAHA , n today we plan to visit their house in kajang .
lpas zohor , we went to cik norish n cik bob house , also in bangi . ( well , all relatives live ni bangi do , i mean mostly ) HAHA . smpai smpai je HUJAN turun . ( hari yg cerah kini sudah gelap , duhhh) makan lagi , laksa yg pedas gler n karipap yg sedap kott , knape kott ? sbb i think my mom cook better , hihi . no offense . borak punye borak , hujan ta reda reda . so , redah jela masok kete .
my old bestfren manja , came from melaka . visiting us , as im not home , so my dad invite them to my kg and we met there . i truly damn happy , but unfortunately we have no chance to take a snap together . well , she seems fine and importantly she still remember me and still shorter than me . HAHA , i miss you kawan :D dah mcm jejak kasih dah . HAHA ,
b4 maghrib kitorg pon blik rumah , ready na tgk NUR KASIH . haha , ta pape jeh .
nway , i had a great day ohh . hope u guys also had a gret day yaw .