&& syifaa , our housecaptain-to-be :)
hey pals ,
waddup ? HAHA .
im fine kott ,
errr -.-
but it just it will be diagnostic this tuesday ,
i was about to update this while im in seseri ,
but i feel too lazy to do so , ehhe .
like always kann ? HAHA .
the PERKHEMAHANPERDANA was really cool && the best ever KOT ,
facilitators , THUMBS UP for u guys :)
that was our best memories doe ,
we never had that much fun being in seseri before ,
esp my team && the faci , abg habib :))
to nonie , the frog moment was too cool kan ? HAHA ,
to HAVOC :
KOKK KOKK KOKK till the end ,
ambek kaw satu PEEL BANANA , HAHA .
SYG KORG wokk <33
theSESERICARNIVAL was really damn tired ,
huhu na tercabot kaki den ,
first , went for sukaneka .
me playing the ballon stuff ,
then i ran back to imtiaz stall , ( themuffin was soo sedap kan ? thnxx for buying )
then , they called us back ,
thef4 as we still in camp act ,
then i got back there in petanque field , conduct ' cari gegula dlm tepong ' . this was under PBSM . HAHA we do love WHITE .
ouh b4 tht my family came visit me :))
then i join the ptndingnMASAKAN ALA SURVIVAL .
urrgggh , jadi bidan terjun neh .
na tawu cte ? jom jmpe face2face .
alhamdulillah dpt 1st runner up :)
at the same time ,
there were a group of PCC students from thailand came to our school ,
this was one of international programme for our school ,
last wednesday ,
. wah wah , yum yumm . hee~
hmm , i thnk that's all from me ,
with that i thank you
( skema jwpn bg pblic speaking )