Assalamualaikum and Waddup KauOrang Semuaa :)
Itu diaa topik diskusi kita di hari yang mulia ini , pengangkutan awam atau lebih spesifik KTM . Bukan na kutuk atau na menjatuhkan atau sebagainyaa , cuma ingin melakukan luahan jiwaa ? ecececeh -____- Seperti yg sedia maklum , Sabtu aritu aku pegi KKB dgn menaiki KTM .
na kata ERL mmg superb lahh , laju jehh . tahu-tahu dah sampai . aaa emmm , worth it lah even bit mahal fare dia . tapi tk kesah lah , janji puas hati , kan Shz ?
sesape yg biasa naik KTM area na pegi MidValley , KLCentral . korg tahu jelah isi diaa , sesak tahap elephant? gaban bhaii . aku tk ingat dah gtau ke belum tapi , kami saling mendoakan agar kami sempat bernafas hingga ke penghujung jalan , durhh -___- . Bila sampai Mid semua berpusu pusu na keluar , Shz dgn semangatnyaa kata kat aku , Nanaaaaa ! diffuse in cepatt ! aku cam , ekkk . saba ! saba ! tkde space nihh , dahulukan org nty kita akan dida $@#^%$^** , tk sempat habis cakap , ohh semua dah keluar ? dan dapat lah kitorg duduk . kalau na cerita kesesakan dalam tu , aiyooo , sendiri rasa lah kan . tapi tk lah seDAHSYAT ini
ini tahap melampau lah kan , kalau macam ni lah kat Malaysia , aku lagi sanggup drive kete bapak aku senyap senyap even tkde lesen . bialahh aku mati bergaya tgh jalan sbb speed melampau drpd berhempap dgn org cenggini . TAPI , idok le teman doa gitu yehh , mintak corner lah yep , Ya Allah , aku na hidup lagi !
sekarang na story pasal kemudahan yg diberikan kepada wanita oleh KTM , korg ingat keje aku mengutuk je ke hah ? iaitu Koc Wanita :) yeayy , kale pink gituu .
errkk , ni tk pink sangatlah pulok . Har Har , tapi alkisah dia cenggini . aku biasa dengar ade lelaki yg tak paham bahasa selalu sangat masuk koc ni kan , sampailah hari tu aku saksikan sendiri .
Waktu tu aku ngn Shz dgn semangatnya lari ke arah koc wanita bagi mendapatkan seats yg terbaek utk kami , masuk masuk jeh . TADAAAA ! ada tiga org lelaki , seorang warga tempatan manakala dua org warga asing sedang syok meng-conquer disudut koc ituu , hailaa hailaa . mereka kelihatan agak samseng ? haktuihh la wehh :P *baru sekarang aku berani na lawan lah kan . HAHA . makk aii , cakap fon sampai koc sebelah pon bole denga . even aku tk paham bahasa yg dia pakai , tapi aku tahu dia ckp dgn mak dia . sebab ape ? sebab dia sebut AMMA . durhh -___- , kalau aku jadi mak dia , aku kecewa dohh . pffttt xp
aku ingat kes tk paham bahasa setakat tu jehh , tapi ghope ghope nyaa , EEeeeEEEwwww , Gereyy aku *gerey adalah geram sebutan Noni . How possible a woman let her husband/boyfriend got into WOMEN / LADIES / GIRLS coaches ? ehh , melampau betul . kes tadi tu fine lah kan . mamats tu bajet taiko lah bole buat sesuka hati . yg akak alias makcik ni ape masalah dia . bole jea dia suh hubby or boyf dia pegi tmpat lain , menggedik siaa . macam mintak pelempang . yg aku panas tu sbb , time tu mmg tgh padat doh . kaw expect , pompuan lain nak sesuke ati nak sondol , langgar laki er ? pakai otak la der , yg kaw pon makcik alias akak , tak rasa bersalah ke doh ? buat muke innocent konon . haaaaktuih . phewww .
haa , bagi mereka mereka yg tak perasan tu , meh aku bagi korg perasan . tgk nihh .
kalau tk reti baca bahasa Melayu pon kan , at least tkkn tk paham gambaq tu kot . melampauu . buta lukisan ke ape ?
So , terlerai suda kesakitan hati aku kat hangpa semua yg tk reti na hormat privasi org lain , mintak penampaq btol laa . lek lek luu Monaa ! so , till then :)
p/s : harap maap kalau terkasaq bahasa naa ,
Tuesday, May 31
Monday, May 30
kerja gila ?
Assalamualaikum & Hello KauOrang Semuaa :)
Yeaaa , sila gelak atau menyampah akan video diatas , Har Har .
Inilah jadi bila dah frustrated na bace Physics . FYI , time ni semua org tgh study mcm saiko habis dan kitorg meronggeng macam nih ? Homaigodd , dah hebad sangat lah kan -____-
the song was created by me and Nikko Freako . the melody was one of Pitbull's . HAHA
credit to : Nonie Gaga , Mona myself , Ziya Jgongg , Nikko Freako
Sunday, May 29
Putrajaya to KualaKubuBharu :)
Assalamualaikum and Heyyo KauOrang Semuaa :)
well , as I had promised with ma girlfrens especially all Dorexxians , now I'll Cecite to u ols wht had happened to me , shz , wani , edd , and jijah . the journey started at
10.30 am : I made my steps to car , and my dad sent me to Putrajaya Central . I met Shz there with her purple baju kurung . We bought our ERL tickets and made our way to Bandar Tasik Selatan to meet Wani :)
around 11 am : We reached BTS , and looking for our adorable GMOP :) and yeah , kaw tk sampai lagi yea ? I gave her a call , and heyy , itu diaa Wani kekuning-kuningan . bukan penyakit kuning der -___- . Then , we straight away buy tickets to KKB . Edd and Jijah supposed to wait for us at Sg Buloh station . but , dgn berlagaknya aku berfikir agar kami terus sahaja berjumpa di KKB .
Biasalah bila naik KTM sesak macam apa je kan , Shz dah membebel mcm hilang anak , bersempit sempit lah kami mirip zarah zarah solid , untunglahh . kami bertiga saling bertanya sama ada masih hidup atau tidakk , HAHA . Sampai MidValley , semua pakat pakat turun . Alhamdulillah , kami selamat dan masih hidup serta diserikan dgn seats utk kami . Har Har *bunyi macam ziya . KTM pon bergerak macam biasa , hailaa . lamo gilo nih , na tido aku segan , tapi tidak buad Wani ngn Shz lah kot , hihi .
Then we arrived Rawang Station , ouh yeahh , we might reached KKB before 2 lah kot nih . *hati berbungabunga na makan nasi minyak Ms.Atikah . Malang tk berbau , kitorg tak tahu yg bahawasanya that train berpatah balik ? homaigodd , patutlah dia stay bout more than 15 minutes , I thought na bagi chance kat aunty cleaner tu bersihkan train jeh , alaaaahai . Oleh itu , we decided to stop at Sg Buloh station back which take another 15 minutes plusminus . rasa na menangis gila dah ni . At Sg Buloh station , there we met Edd n Jijahh , uwaaaa , Edd told us that there is interchange station in Rawang Station , derr , better you tell me next year , I'm quiet pissed off then , but It's okay , siapa suruh berlagak kan -___-
We continued our journey to KKB after 15 minutes wait for the next train , as soon as we reached Rawang Station . All of us run like !#!$#$%^$%^ cuz afraid the train will left us behind , with heels and all those stairs . homaigodd , I felt like I'm the Iron Lady now . HAHA . phewww , and dgn muka mintak penampar I said , dah tu jalanlahh , tunggu apa lagi ? buat ponat jo den lari .
dan memang the train start move after half an hour plusminus . rasa na mencarut jehh , dgn adegan drama swasta lagi , gilaaa betol lah , menguji kesabaran , and cut stories . sampai KKB tros call Fazu and her dad jemput kitorg .
3.40 pm : baru sampai rumah cikgu , and let the stories become our secret . hihi
sampai sampai je mintak amik gamba dulu dkt tengah jalan . HAHA . oh lupa , it was raining at that time . huhu . Then , makan makan sume . lepas makan snap gamba dgn pengantin dkat pelamin laaah , hihi
sebelum balik , terserempak dgn Cikgu Hadi , apalagi . sibuk sibuk ajak amek gamba , hihi . gedik btol anak murid cikgu sekalian .
kitorg balik dihantar oleh adik Cikgu Atikah ke stesen KTM, errr . tk sempat tanya nama la pulok , tapi for sure . makk aihh , wani buad citer lah pulok , she left her handphone and kitorg terpaksa patah balik utk amek fon tu , malu gilaa siaaa . hari tu mmg keje kitorg patah balik jehh . yang best tu dah sampai kat KTM dah pon . mak aihh , takes another 10 minutes patah balik , *aduhai malang pak kaduk
dan dipendekkan cerita aku sampai rumah pukol 9.45 malam . perjalanan pulang itu tersirat lagi beberapa buah cerita . dan aku perlu masa untuk menaipnyaa . hihi .
till then , tggu episode kedua okayy ?
adiosss :D
well , as I had promised with ma girlfrens especially all Dorexxians , now I'll Cecite to u ols wht had happened to me , shz , wani , edd , and jijah . the journey started at
10.30 am : I made my steps to car , and my dad sent me to Putrajaya Central . I met Shz there with her purple baju kurung . We bought our ERL tickets and made our way to Bandar Tasik Selatan to meet Wani :)
around 11 am : We reached BTS , and looking for our adorable GMOP :) and yeah , kaw tk sampai lagi yea ? I gave her a call , and heyy , itu diaa Wani kekuning-kuningan . bukan penyakit kuning der -___- . Then , we straight away buy tickets to KKB . Edd and Jijah supposed to wait for us at Sg Buloh station . but , dgn berlagaknya aku berfikir agar kami terus sahaja berjumpa di KKB .
Biasalah bila naik KTM sesak macam apa je kan , Shz dah membebel mcm hilang anak , bersempit sempit lah kami mirip zarah zarah solid , untunglahh . kami bertiga saling bertanya sama ada masih hidup atau tidakk , HAHA . Sampai MidValley , semua pakat pakat turun . Alhamdulillah , kami selamat dan masih hidup serta diserikan dgn seats utk kami . Har Har *bunyi macam ziya . KTM pon bergerak macam biasa , hailaa . lamo gilo nih , na tido aku segan , tapi tidak buad Wani ngn Shz lah kot , hihi .
Then we arrived Rawang Station , ouh yeahh , we might reached KKB before 2 lah kot nih . *hati berbungabunga na makan nasi minyak Ms.Atikah . Malang tk berbau , kitorg tak tahu yg bahawasanya that train berpatah balik ? homaigodd , patutlah dia stay bout more than 15 minutes , I thought na bagi chance kat aunty cleaner tu bersihkan train jeh , alaaaahai . Oleh itu , we decided to stop at Sg Buloh station back which take another 15 minutes plusminus . rasa na menangis gila dah ni . At Sg Buloh station , there we met Edd n Jijahh , uwaaaa , Edd told us that there is interchange station in Rawang Station , derr , better you tell me next year , I'm quiet pissed off then , but It's okay , siapa suruh berlagak kan -___-
We continued our journey to KKB after 15 minutes wait for the next train , as soon as we reached Rawang Station . All of us run like !#!$#$%^$%^ cuz afraid the train will left us behind , with heels and all those stairs . homaigodd , I felt like I'm the Iron Lady now . HAHA . phewww , and dgn muka mintak penampar I said , dah tu jalanlahh , tunggu apa lagi ? buat ponat jo den lari .
dan memang the train start move after half an hour plusminus . rasa na mencarut jehh , dgn adegan drama swasta lagi , gilaaa betol lah , menguji kesabaran , and cut stories . sampai KKB tros call Fazu and her dad jemput kitorg .
3.40 pm : baru sampai rumah cikgu , and let the stories become our secret . hihi
sampai sampai je mintak amik gamba dulu dkt tengah jalan . HAHA . oh lupa , it was raining at that time . huhu . Then , makan makan sume . lepas makan snap gamba dgn pengantin dkat pelamin laaah , hihi
and Shz amat mengikut tema , tahniah laa yewww :P HAHA , Tahniah Cikguu :)
sebelum balik , terserempak dgn Cikgu Hadi , apalagi . sibuk sibuk ajak amek gamba , hihi . gedik btol anak murid cikgu sekalian .
kitorg balik dihantar oleh adik Cikgu Atikah ke stesen KTM, errr . tk sempat tanya nama la pulok , tapi for sure . makk aihh , wani buad citer lah pulok , she left her handphone and kitorg terpaksa patah balik utk amek fon tu , malu gilaa siaaa . hari tu mmg keje kitorg patah balik jehh . yang best tu dah sampai kat KTM dah pon . mak aihh , takes another 10 minutes patah balik , *aduhai malang pak kaduk
dan dipendekkan cerita aku sampai rumah pukol 9.45 malam . perjalanan pulang itu tersirat lagi beberapa buah cerita . dan aku perlu masa untuk menaipnyaa . hihi .
till then , tggu episode kedua okayy ?
adiosss :D
nerdy is sexy ?
Assalamualaikum and Hello KauOrang Semuaa :)
It's been three days I spent most of my day by sleeping . homaigodd , take that pillow away from me -___- But , who cares ? It's not actually 'qada' tidur' like most of people says , most of people are my teachers :P It's just a method to get rid depression and having rest :) ouh yeaah . and that is not what I'm want to share today .
Back to last week stories , ouh yeah , LAME ! I know . HAHA . but still wanna type babeyyh .
makk aihh , budak sekolah mana pulak nihh . HAHA , comel lah pulak bila jadi ' nerdy ' *buad gaya gediknerdy aku ngn nikko . apa yg dpt disaksikan kat atas adalah drama musikal yg dipersembahkan oleh G.A.P ( Geng Akak Pemalu ) sempena Hari Chekgu tahun nih . Tema tahun ni adalah Retro wa Back To School :) best ke tak , best ke tak ? *gaya alyn . taknak lah riya' ke ujub lah kan , tapi majoriti kata BEST GILA SIOT DOH . HAHA . watak yg diberikan kpd aku adalah watak seorang nerd ? homaigodd , jgn perkotak katikkan watak seorg nerd okayy , Nyehh .
andd this is our school name is Malaya Free School or in Malay , Sekolah Melayu Percuma ? HAHA , and overall everything went smoothly as we only had our practice for 5 times as it was exam weeks before the Teacher's Day been held . Alhamdulillah , Thanks to Allah cuz the teachers like our performance . All the gimmicks was superbly awesome , Kak Limah crews , fake teachers on school bus , the FlashMob , the foods , everything was awesome :) Clarions rawkss , To-The-Max !
Now I just realize that might be my last performance as a school students , sob sob . sedih sikit lahh , tapi yeahh , let's make it ours . HAHA .
Big Thanks to all G.A.P-ians , Peng Syinz , NikkoFreako , NonieGaga , WaniOth , ZiyaJgongg , AlynbajetSuperHotStar , ShzreynAieesha , AzimahAzami , Phicko , MeenHo , LinaLoc , FIK , Rina , Muaz . You
Wednesday, May 25
macam ni lah gayanyaa
Assalamualaikum KauOrangg Semuaa :)
well , I'm typing this while Adi n Ain saiko-ing beside me :P
okay dahh . puas hati kredit nama korgg ? Ngeh Ngeh .
malas lah na ulang banyak kali pasal hal ni , tapi macam still na bgtahu jugakk . mmg lah rasa annoying nak bgtahu byk kali pasal bnda ni tapi masih aku na habaq mai jugekk .
sebenarnyaaa . AKU NAK BALIKKK !
haa kan , annoying kan ? mcm aku sorg je nak balik -___- . BTW , aku tgh sarkastikus dkt korg yg tgh bajet mcm org lain pon tknk balik . HAAAAKTUIIIH :P
till then , to be continue later babeyh . Fiqah mahu pulang dehh :P
well , I'm typing this while Adi n Ain saiko-ing beside me :P
okay dahh . puas hati kredit nama korgg ? Ngeh Ngeh .
malas lah na ulang banyak kali pasal hal ni , tapi macam still na bgtahu jugakk . mmg lah rasa annoying nak bgtahu byk kali pasal bnda ni tapi masih aku na habaq mai jugekk .
sebenarnyaaa . AKU NAK BALIKKK !
haa kan , annoying kan ? mcm aku sorg je nak balik -___- . BTW , aku tgh sarkastikus dkt korg yg tgh bajet mcm org lain pon tknk balik . HAAAAKTUIIIH :P
till then , to be continue later babeyh . Fiqah mahu pulang dehh :P
Monday, May 23
Thank God I'm still alive
Homaigoddd ! Assalamualaikum KauOrang Semuaaa :)
Howwyeaaahhh , Mona is back babeyhh . It's been quite long time since I've been updating on Mothers Day . and I hope it is still no too late to say Happy Teacher's Dayy :) to all my current teachers in SESERI , former teachers in SMK PUTRAJAYA PRESINT 14 (1) , SMK CYBERJAYA , SKDABB , SRADABB , TASKA ABIM . thanks to all of you lahhh. sayang cikgu semuaa (;
well , holidays is coming :) and yeah for sure tons of homeworks will be conquer ma dayy :P it's okayy , for the sake of SPM babeyhh .
ouhh , I'm having so much fun with the stress ryte now. HAHA . and more to update actually but time owayss jealous with me . *mmg aku translate masa mencemburui aku . Ngehhh .
till then , Salam :)
heyy , wait for my bajethotahapgabanmusicvideoo . HAHA :P
Howwyeaaahhh , Mona is back babeyhh . It's been quite long time since I've been updating on Mothers Day . and I hope it is still no too late to say Happy Teacher's Dayy :) to all my current teachers in SESERI , former teachers in SMK PUTRAJAYA PRESINT 14 (1) , SMK CYBERJAYA , SKDABB , SRADABB , TASKA ABIM . thanks to all of you lahhh. sayang cikgu semuaa (;
well , holidays is coming :) and yeah for sure tons of homeworks will be conquer ma dayy :P it's okayy , for the sake of SPM babeyhh .
ouhh , I'm having so much fun with the stress ryte now. HAHA . and more to update actually but time owayss jealous with me . *mmg aku translate masa mencemburui aku . Ngehhh .
till then , Salam :)
heyy , wait for my bajethotahapgabanmusicvideoo . HAHA :P
Sunday, May 8
one and only MAK :)
Assalamualaikum && Hello KauOrang Semuaa :)
Just imagine it is me singing you this song mak :)
like everyone already cakap cakap . today is Mother's Dayy babbeyhh ! andd yeahh , I'm not good in singing but people says I'm good at it but still . HAHA . ohh perasan gila minaah nih . okay dahh .
to my Mak , Puan Saibatul Salamiah Burhanuddin .
I LOVE YOU full of my heart . I pray the best for you and all the family dunia akhirat .
Thank You for everything that you had done for me . i'll do my best for this upcoming SPM .
Sorry if I'd been hurting you a lot since I was born or even when I was in ur tummy . HAHA .
anddd last but not least , SORRY and THANK YOU for everythingg :)
P/S : sorry tkde hadiahh :(
Sunday, May 1
sopotang bersamo . Harr Harr
Assalamualaikum KauOrang Semuaa !
Today we had our wonderful dinner at Perantau Hill which is located far far far away from my house . like 15 minutes walking and less than 5 minutes by car . see , too far kan ? My lil sis woke me by saying , ' Kakak , cepat mandi ! na pegi makan nihh ' and I was like ' alaah , makan je . aku tgh syiok tidoq nihh ' *buruk btol perangai tido petang . don't do this at home :) but suddenly my tummy sing black eyed peas song . ohh tak , it's my alarm lahh . HAHA . and blaa bla blaa . - typing error - HAHA
and here I am :)
we arrived there by 6pm . demand some hot yummy dishes . waiting . chatting . snapping photo . tido-ing . bebel-ing , sakat-ing my lil sis , make a poker face to everyone instead of smile cuz I miss my baby pillow , hamboii , buruk perangaii , Ngehh Ngehh . Nayy , just kidding .
ouhh , forgot to mention that I brought Maz to Alamanda . Ngehh . like no exam lah kan . HAHA . just bought quiet number of stuff . all that ain't importnt to compare with my baby
haaa , Thank You ALLAH for let me enjoying my PB's :)
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