Hi! Assalamualaikum. This blog belong to Siti Farhanah Norazhar since 2009.She types random stuff randomly.Human with cartoon characters in her soul. She thinks she's awesome.She's so Mona

Tuesday, May 31

Keretapi Taknak Masuk ( KTM )

Assalamualaikum and Waddup KauOrang Semuaa :)

Itu diaa topik diskusi kita di hari yang mulia ini , pengangkutan awam atau lebih spesifik KTM . Bukan na kutuk atau na menjatuhkan atau sebagainyaa , cuma ingin melakukan luahan jiwaa ? ecececeh -____- Seperti yg sedia maklum , Sabtu aritu aku pegi KKB dgn menaiki KTM .

na kata ERL mmg superb lahh , laju jehh . tahu-tahu dah sampai . aaa emmm , worth it lah even bit mahal fare dia . tapi tk kesah lah , janji puas hati  , kan Shz ?

sesape yg biasa naik KTM area na pegi MidValley , KLCentral . korg tahu jelah isi diaa , sesak tahap elephant? gaban bhaii . aku tk ingat dah gtau ke belum tapi , kami saling mendoakan agar kami sempat bernafas hingga ke penghujung jalan , durhh -___- . Bila sampai Mid semua berpusu pusu na keluar , Shz dgn semangatnyaa kata kat aku , Nanaaaaa ! diffuse in cepatt ! aku cam , ekkk . saba ! saba ! tkde space nihh , dahulukan org nty kita akan dida $@#^%$^** , tk sempat habis cakap , ohh semua dah keluar ? dan dapat lah kitorg duduk . kalau na cerita kesesakan dalam tu , aiyooo , sendiri rasa lah kan . tapi tk lah seDAHSYAT ini

 ini tahap melampau lah kan , kalau macam ni lah kat Malaysia , aku lagi sanggup drive kete bapak aku senyap senyap even tkde lesen . bialahh aku mati bergaya tgh jalan sbb speed melampau drpd berhempap dgn org cenggini . TAPI , idok le teman doa gitu yehh , mintak corner lah yep , Ya Allah , aku na hidup lagi !

sekarang na story pasal kemudahan yg diberikan kepada wanita oleh KTM , korg ingat keje aku mengutuk je ke hah ?  iaitu Koc Wanita :) yeayy , kale pink gituu .

errkk , ni tk pink sangatlah pulok . Har Har , tapi alkisah dia cenggini . aku biasa dengar ade lelaki yg tak paham bahasa selalu sangat masuk koc ni kan , sampailah hari tu aku saksikan sendiri .

Waktu tu aku ngn Shz dgn semangatnya lari ke arah koc wanita bagi mendapatkan seats yg terbaek utk kami , masuk masuk jeh . TADAAAA ! ada tiga org lelaki , seorang warga tempatan manakala dua org warga asing sedang syok meng-conquer disudut koc ituu , hailaa hailaa . mereka kelihatan agak samseng ? haktuihh la wehh :P *baru sekarang aku berani na lawan lah kan . HAHA . makk aii , cakap fon sampai koc sebelah pon bole denga . even aku tk paham bahasa yg dia pakai , tapi aku tahu dia ckp dgn mak dia . sebab ape ? sebab dia sebut AMMA . durhh -___- , kalau aku jadi mak dia , aku kecewa dohh . pffttt xp

aku ingat kes tk paham bahasa setakat tu jehh , tapi ghope ghope nyaa , EEeeeEEEwwww , Gereyy aku *gerey adalah geram sebutan Noni . How possible a woman let her husband/boyfriend got into WOMEN / LADIES / GIRLS coaches ? ehh , melampau  betul . kes tadi tu fine lah kan . mamats tu bajet taiko lah bole buat sesuka hati . yg akak alias makcik ni ape masalah dia . bole jea dia suh hubby or boyf dia pegi tmpat lain , menggedik siaa . macam mintak pelempang . yg aku panas tu sbb , time tu mmg tgh padat doh . kaw expect , pompuan lain nak sesuke ati nak sondol , langgar laki er ? pakai otak la der , yg kaw pon makcik alias akak , tak rasa bersalah ke doh ? buat muke innocent konon . haaaaktuih . phewww .
haa , bagi mereka mereka yg tak perasan tu , meh aku bagi korg perasan . tgk nihh .

kalau tk reti baca bahasa Melayu pon kan , at least tkkn tk paham gambaq tu kot . melampauu . buta lukisan ke ape ?

So , terlerai suda kesakitan hati aku kat hangpa semua yg tk reti na hormat privasi org lain , mintak penampaq btol laa . lek lek luu Monaa ! so , till then :) 

p/s : harap maap kalau terkasaq bahasa naa ,  


Monday, May 30

kerja gila ?

Assalamualaikum & Hello KauOrang Semuaa :)

Yeaaa , sila gelak atau menyampah akan video diatas , Har Har .
Inilah jadi bila dah frustrated na bace Physics . FYI , time ni semua org tgh study mcm saiko habis dan kitorg meronggeng macam nih ? Homaigodd , dah hebad sangat lah kan -____-

the song was created by me and Nikko Freako . the melody was one of Pitbull's . HAHA

credit to : Nonie Gaga , Mona myself , Ziya Jgongg , Nikko Freako

Sunday, May 29

Putrajaya to KualaKubuBharu :)

Assalamualaikum and Heyyo KauOrang Semuaa :)

well , as I had promised with ma girlfrens especially all Dorexxians , now I'll Cecite to u ols wht had happened to me , shz , wani , edd , and jijah . the journey started at

10.30 am :  I made my steps to car , and my dad sent me to Putrajaya Central . I met Shz there with her purple baju kurung . We bought our ERL tickets and made our way to Bandar Tasik Selatan to meet Wani :)

around 11 am : We reached BTS , and looking for our adorable GMOP :) and yeah , kaw tk sampai lagi yea ? I gave her a call , and heyy , itu diaa Wani kekuning-kuningan . bukan penyakit kuning der -___- . Then , we straight away buy tickets to KKB . Edd and Jijah supposed to wait for us at Sg Buloh station . but , dgn berlagaknya aku berfikir agar kami terus sahaja berjumpa di KKB .

Biasalah bila naik KTM sesak macam apa je kan , Shz dah membebel mcm hilang anak , bersempit sempit lah kami mirip zarah zarah solid , untunglahh . kami bertiga saling bertanya sama ada masih hidup atau tidakk , HAHA . Sampai MidValley , semua pakat pakat turun . Alhamdulillah , kami selamat dan masih hidup serta diserikan dgn seats utk kami . Har Har *bunyi macam ziya . KTM pon bergerak macam biasa , hailaa . lamo gilo nih , na tido aku segan , tapi tidak buad Wani ngn Shz lah kot , hihi .

Then we arrived Rawang Station , ouh yeahh , we might reached KKB before 2 lah kot nih . *hati berbungabunga na makan nasi minyak Ms.Atikah . Malang tk berbau , kitorg tak tahu yg bahawasanya that train berpatah balik ? homaigodd , patutlah dia stay bout more than 15 minutes , I thought na bagi chance kat aunty cleaner tu bersihkan train jeh , alaaaahai . Oleh itu , we decided to stop at Sg Buloh station back which take another 15 minutes plusminus . rasa na menangis gila dah ni . At Sg Buloh station , there we met Edd n Jijahh , uwaaaa , Edd told us that there is interchange station in Rawang Station , derr , better you tell me next year , I'm quiet pissed off then , but It's okay , siapa suruh berlagak kan -___-

We continued our journey to KKB after 15 minutes wait for the next train , as soon as we reached Rawang Station . All of us run like !#!$#$%^$%^ cuz afraid the train will left us behind , with heels and all those stairs . homaigodd , I felt like I'm the Iron Lady now . HAHA . phewww , and dgn muka mintak penampar I said , dah tu jalanlahh , tunggu apa lagi ? buat ponat jo den lari .

dan memang the train start move after half an hour plusminus . rasa na mencarut jehh , dgn adegan drama swasta lagi , gilaaa betol lah , menguji kesabaran , and cut stories . sampai KKB tros call Fazu and her dad jemput kitorg .

3.40 pm : baru sampai rumah cikgu , and let the stories become our secret . hihi
sampai sampai je mintak amik gamba dulu dkt tengah jalan . HAHA . oh lupa , it was raining at that time . huhu . Then , makan makan sume . lepas makan snap gamba dgn pengantin dkat pelamin laaah , hihi

and Shz amat mengikut tema , tahniah laa yewww :P HAHA , Tahniah Cikguu :)

sebelum balik , terserempak dgn Cikgu Hadi , apalagi . sibuk sibuk ajak amek gamba , hihi . gedik btol anak murid cikgu sekalian .

kitorg balik dihantar oleh adik Cikgu Atikah ke stesen KTM, errr . tk sempat tanya nama la pulok , tapi for sure . makk aihh , wani buad citer lah pulok , she left her handphone and kitorg terpaksa patah balik utk amek fon tu , malu gilaa siaaa . hari tu mmg keje kitorg patah balik jehh . yang best tu dah sampai kat KTM dah pon . mak aihh , takes another 10 minutes patah balik , *aduhai malang pak kaduk 

dan dipendekkan cerita aku sampai rumah pukol 9.45 malam . perjalanan pulang itu tersirat lagi beberapa buah cerita . dan aku perlu masa untuk menaipnyaa . hihi . 

till then , tggu episode kedua okayy ?
adiosss :D

nerdy is sexy ?

Assalamualaikum and Hello KauOrang Semuaa :)

It's been three days I spent most of my day by sleeping . homaigodd , take that pillow away from me -___- But , who cares ? It's not actually  'qada' tidur' like most of people says , most of people are my teachers :P It's just a method to get rid depression and having rest :) ouh yeaah . and that is not what I'm want to share today . 

Back to last week stories , ouh yeah , LAME ! I know . HAHA . but still wanna type babeyyh .

makk aihh , budak sekolah mana pulak nihh . HAHA , comel lah pulak bila jadi ' nerdy ' *buad gaya gediknerdy aku ngn nikko . apa yg dpt disaksikan kat atas adalah drama musikal yg dipersembahkan oleh G.A.P ( Geng Akak Pemalu ) sempena Hari Chekgu tahun nih . Tema tahun ni adalah Retro wa Back To School :) best ke tak , best ke tak ? *gaya alyn . taknak lah riya' ke ujub lah kan , tapi majoriti kata BEST GILA SIOT DOH . HAHA . watak yg diberikan kpd aku adalah watak seorang nerd ? homaigodd , jgn perkotak katikkan watak seorg nerd okayy , Nyehh .

andd this is our school name is Malaya Free School or in Malay ,  Sekolah Melayu Percuma ? HAHA , and overall everything went smoothly as we only had our practice for 5 times as it was exam weeks before the Teacher's Day been held . Alhamdulillah , Thanks to Allah cuz the teachers like our performance . All the gimmicks was superbly awesome , Kak Limah crews , fake teachers on school bus , the FlashMob , the foods , everything was awesome :) Clarions rawkss , To-The-Max !

Now I just realize that might be my last performance as a school students , sob sob . sedih sikit lahh , tapi yeahh , let's make it ours . HAHA . 

Big Thanks to all G.A.P-ians , Peng Syinz , NikkoFreako , NonieGaga , WaniOth , ZiyaJgongg , AlynbajetSuperHotStar , ShzreynAieesha , AzimahAzami , Phicko , MeenHo , LinaLoc , FIK , Rina , Muaz . You guys girls sangat best lahh :D

Wednesday, May 25

macam ni lah gayanyaa

Assalamualaikum KauOrangg Semuaa :)

well , I'm typing this while Adi n Ain saiko-ing beside me :P
okay dahh . puas hati kredit nama korgg ? Ngeh Ngeh  .

malas lah na ulang banyak kali pasal hal ni , tapi macam still na bgtahu jugakk . mmg lah rasa annoying nak bgtahu byk kali pasal bnda ni tapi masih aku na habaq mai jugekk .

sebenarnyaaa . AKU NAK BALIKKK !
haa kan , annoying kan ? mcm aku sorg je nak balik -___- . BTW , aku tgh sarkastikus dkt korg yg tgh bajet mcm org lain pon tknk balik . HAAAAKTUIIIH :P

till then , to be continue later babeyh . Fiqah mahu pulang dehh :P

Monday, May 23

Thank God I'm still alive

Homaigoddd ! Assalamualaikum KauOrang Semuaaa :)

Howwyeaaahhh , Mona is back babeyhh . It's been quite long time since I've been updating on Mothers Day . and I hope it is still no too late to say Happy Teacher's Dayy :) to all my current teachers in SESERI , former teachers in SMK PUTRAJAYA PRESINT 14 (1) , SMK CYBERJAYA , SKDABB , SRADABB , TASKA ABIM . thanks to all of you lahhh. sayang cikgu semuaa (;

well , holidays is coming :) and yeah for sure tons of homeworks will be conquer ma dayy :P it's okayy , for the sake of SPM babeyhh .

ouhh , I'm having so much fun with the stress ryte now. HAHA . and more to update actually but time owayss jealous with me . *mmg aku translate masa mencemburui aku . Ngehhh .

till then , Salam :)
heyy , wait for my bajethotahapgabanmusicvideoo . HAHA :P

Sunday, May 8

one and only MAK :)

Assalamualaikum && Hello KauOrang Semuaa :)

Just imagine it is me singing you this song mak :)

like everyone already cakap cakap . today is Mother's Dayy babbeyhh ! andd yeahh , I'm not good in singing but people says I'm good at it but still . HAHA . ohh perasan gila minaah nih . okay dahh .

to my Mak , Puan Saibatul Salamiah Burhanuddin .
I LOVE YOU full of my heart . I pray the best for you and all the family dunia akhirat .
Thank You for everything that you had done for me . i'll do my best for this upcoming SPM .
Sorry if I'd been hurting you a lot since I was born or even when I was in ur tummy . HAHA .
anddd last but not least , SORRY and THANK YOU for everythingg :)

P/S : sorry tkde hadiahh :(

Sunday, May 1

sopotang bersamo . Harr Harr

Assalamualaikum KauOrang Semuaa !

Today we had our wonderful dinner at Perantau Hill which is located far far far away from my house . like 15 minutes walking and less than 5 minutes by car . see , too far kan ? My lil sis woke me by saying ,  ' Kakak , cepat mandi ! na pegi makan nihh ' and I was like ' alaah , makan je . aku tgh syiok tidoq nihh ' *buruk btol perangai tido petang . don't do this at home :) but suddenly my tummy sing black eyed peas song . ohh tak , it's my alarm lahh . HAHA . and blaa bla blaa . - typing error - HAHA

and here I am :) 
we arrived there by 6pm . demand some hot yummy dishes . waiting . chatting . snapping photo . tido-ing . bebel-ing , sakat-ing my lil sis , make a poker face to everyone instead of smile cuz I miss my baby pillow , hamboii , buruk perangaii , Ngehh Ngehh . Nayy , just kidding .

ouhh , forgot to mention that I brought Maz to Alamanda . Ngehh . like no exam lah kan . HAHA . just bought quiet number of stuff . all that ain't importnt to compare with my baby McFlirrttyy  I mean McFlurry . awesomee bebeh !! alah , aku tk mampu utk mkn BR like you :P

haaa , Thank You ALLAH for let me enjoying my PB's :)