pouting nana .
date ; 17 oct 2009
location ; alamanda , putrajaya .
activities ; shopping , movies & hangout
with ? ; anys , cikin & dyla
wah wah .
best gler .
this is our first day out afta PMR .
we do spent a lot .
but it WORTH.haha.
act , byk gler bnda happened to us .
#1 ) there is a girl calling the name FARHANA , so i thought it was me . when im not respond to the girl , anys suddenly : 'NANA , PEGI LA TEGO BALIK ! ' and i said 'BUKAN KAWAN AKU LAA . CEPAT LAA BLA .' malu shiot . da la ktorg sume paling kt budak tuu.tp tak tau laa dye prasan ke tak.dol.
#2 ) kitorg pegi kdai handbag yg comel dkt atas . sume mmg batak gler smpai anys kate dye da fall in love ngn those stuff . suddenly , a little boy r*** cikin's b**t . malu gler na mati coz ade two teenage boys witness it . poor cikin
#3 ) kitorg kantoi kt gsc coz bwk outside food . kecoh ahh. ingt da sorok btol btol , skali prasan laa plak . mcm laa kitorg na sepahkan gsc tuu . saba jelaa . da naik lif , bajet da lepas . skali kene keja . adoyai .
#4 ) kitorg patot blik pukol 5 pm , malang ta ade bau , ditinggalkan aku keseorgn coz my mak n ayah g open house . kene tggu smpai pkul 6 . merewang laa aku sorg- sorg cam org gler . awkward gler oh . tp tape . pengalaman . huhu
oke oke.
spt yg tlah dilistkan diatas , ape yg tjadi sume knangn yg kitorg tempoh same same . ble da smpai umah rase klaka laa plak . adoyai . frankly typing , i still think it's COOL . ahaha .
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